They tell a story to convey emotions of lust, loss, sadness, desire and anger.
In some ways, the real story of these images conveys as much about Lincoln as do his words.
But his story conveys a different and dangerous message at a time when we are increasingly concerned about child abuse.
The above stories convey the horror of the moment far more than the TV did.
The story does, however, convey the sense of excitement generated by the discovery.
The stories offered here have a narrow focus and hardly convey the considerable range of Busch's fiction.
The story also conveys the value of friendship, honesty and loyalty.
Despite the dramatic details, though, her story does not convey a character so much as a passion.
This story conveys strong themes and depicts an issue faced by many young women all over the world.
The final two stories, especially, convey the sense of worlds unraveling.