If the rings gave scientists their most recent surprise, the stormy atmosphere of Neptune continued to mystify and fascinate them.
Kirk felt a splash of moisture against his face as the disrupted transporter beam stirred up the already stormy atmosphere of the jungle.
Entering the stormy atmosphere, the shuttle lurched from side to side.
Though Picard's emotions roiled like Chiaros IV's stormy atmosphere, he could not refute her logic.
He hoped she'd admire how easily he'd found a particular site on the big island, nothing except maps and navigation to guide him down through the stormy atmosphere.
Though he had no reason to venture down to the surface, he took extra time to cruise above the stormy atmosphere, scanning the lifeless land masses below.
This huge planet has a stormy atmosphere made up of hydrogen and helium.
In this stormy atmosphere even a passing attraction would deepen into love.
The parasites puffed outward from the free dancer and raced upward to the stormy atmosphere, their abandonment clear proof of the animal's doom.
In recent days it has focused on the stormy atmosphere of Neptune and its accompanying moons and puzzling rings of orbiting debris.