He and his remaining soldiers were assumed to have drowned at sea, as a tropical storm whipped up soon afterwards.
Outside, an electrical storm whipped the sky.
Moreover: how did it happen the storm whipped the vapour scuds past us so swiftly?
A storm soon whipped seas as high as 22 feet.
Outside the large windows, the storm whipped around in darkness, lashing the mountainside.
The weather changed suddenly, a storm whipped up and broke the ice.
Don't you see that the Heaving Sea must have broken through again, when a storm whipped the water into madness.
Outside, dark clouds were pouring into the bay and the storm whipped the sea into white-edged blades.
A small storm out to sea had whipped them up and they pounded the surf, making a safe landing somewhat tricky.
The closet all torn up as if a violent storm had whipped through the walls?