The only difference is that these ancient plants have been stored underground for millions of years-but this hasn't affected the stable isotopes in the fossil fuels.
The 21-foot missiles were stored underground, and Mr. Miller writes that the complex needed a generator powerful enough to provide electricity for a town of 10,000.
The major issues created by the flood were not only the destruction of crop lands and harvests, but also the loss of emergency grain reserves, as much of it was stored underground.
Depending in detail on how the agents are stored underground, a significant fraction is likely to survive and would be vented to the atmosphere along with the radioactivity from the nuclear explosion.
Ultimately, the waste will be stored underground in a reinforced concrete vault on one square mile - 600 acres -of land.
Most salmon was smoked on a fire, and some of it was stored underground in pits.
The Atlas-F (HGM-16) was stored vertically underground, but launched after being lifted to the surface.
There is no limit to the amount of diesel fuel that can be stored underground.
Unlike other collections, the Bridgewater artworks had not been stored underground before the war, due to the 5th Earl having been captured at Dunkirk in 1940.
Trains normally parked in yards were stored underground.