The store, a local fixture, had thrived for most of its 13-year tenure but struggled for its last two years.
Although some carriage-trade stores like Tiffany have thrived during the economic boom, their stocks have not kept pace.
I want to speak about the New York of the Bronx, where new stores and businesses are thriving.
The store has thrived, however, in the shifting demographic tide.
A few stores still thrive, commercial success being in direct proportion to the unnecessariness of the product being provided by that store.
That store thrived for years, and did not harm the image of the avenue.
But Mr. DiTommaso said that competing stores next to each other often thrive.
Mom-and-pop stores thrived in the East Village while rents were low; it is not a neighborhood that looked on national chains kindly.
Downtown, stores, services and excellent restaurants thrive.
But a store that started out as a family-run pharmacy and lunch counter more than 47 years ago has survived and thrived.