The original store stood on the current location for over thirty years.
His store, he was told, had stood on the spot for almost half a century when he took it over in the mid-90's.
But those stores and all others must stand on their own and be able to compete.
The general store still stands but is in disrepair and has not been open for almost 15 years.
As of 2011, the store has stood at the site for 110 years.
The general store, carriage house, and several homes are still standing today.
For much of this century, the store has stood for quality and service.
The general store is still standing though it has not been in business for many years.
Today, it and the general store stand on almost the same spot as the old station.
On the same side of the square as the church was the old town hall, next to which my family's store once stood.