For many people, though, storing movies and shows "taped" from the TV is only a secondary perk of owning a DVD recorder.
At 74 minutes of video per disk, two disks will be needed to store most movies.
DVDs are often used to store movies at better quality than a VHS.
In the Western world, the format is more commonly used to store home videos or movies copied from DVD and Laserdisc.
But a more important role is to store movies in digital form on big computers called servers.
That's like charging Best Buy because they provided a rebate on a harddrive that was used to store torrented movies.
And the Media Vault, a storage device, is attached to the home network to store music, movies and photos.
Such devices would not have any mechanically moving parts and would store both sound and movies.
Such systems can be used to store music or movies, for example.
It will be called DVD, which stands for "digital versatile disk," to draw attention to its ability to store movies, multimedia, data and music.