Twenty two people were killed and over forty injured when gunpowder stored in a laborer's house in Brandy Lane, Cork, exploded.
He wants you to know that he owns a great number of clothes, so many that he has to store some of them in his sister's mother's house.
Shyamal Acharya, who had filed the FIR, had been arrested in 2009 for storing firearms unlawfully in his house.
Mr. Wali stored the books in his small house for years.
When the paintings were delivered the older couple were almost apoplectic at the sight of them and refused even to store them in their house.
Since the new house had only a crawl space for attic, they were to be stored in Anna's house.
During the attack, a blast from the explosion of gunpowder stored in Captain Jacobs's house was heard in Pittsburgh, 44 miles away.
So I ask them, why should I pay you for the privilege of storing your stuff in my house or on my hard drives?
After the forms were completely dry I stored their creations in my house until our next meeting.
Capricorn has added floodlight and additional guards, probably because of the treasure stored in his house (money he just hordes and does not spend).