My question is, what kind of material are commonly used to store liquid hydrogen.
Methanol may be viewed as a compact way of storing hydrogen.
Metal hydrides offer an opportunity to store hydrogen in solid form, but such a system is heavy and therefore reduces the vehicle's travel range.
Start with storing hydrogen as a highly pressurized gas, which raises safety concerns.
This substance is interesting due to its possible use to store hydrogen in a hydrogen economy.
An American scientist has invented a fuel cell which he claims can store hydrogen safely, thus making possible its commercial use as a power source.
Storing enough hydrogen on-board a vehicle to achieve a driving range of greater than 300 miles is a significant challenge.
It is also possible to store hydrogen in the chemical structures of liquids and solids.
Successfully storing hydrogen has many issues which need to be overcome, such as embrittlement of the materials used in the power system.
It can be used to store hydrogen.