Its store count is 6,614, down from more than 7,000 in 1990.
One year later, Mervyn's had reduced its store count to 177 stores in 7 states.
This amounts to 15% of the store count and about 30% of the corporate office positions.
Ace's own recruiting efforts helped it expand its store count by 9 percent last year.
More than 900 new Marco's locations have been signed, which means the company will quadruple its store count in the coming years.
Its store count increased to 670 with $15.7 billion in sales.
Target's store count rose to 796 units, and sales rose to $20.2 billion.
This expansion brought the mall's store count to approximately 300.
By the second quarter of 1991, the store count had reached 1,654.
Total store count is 263 in 14 states.