I did a quick walking survey, canvassing the store aisle by aisle.
Small-business owners are starting to catch on, and securing lucrative shelf space in unexpected store aisles.
Blohm moved without haste, like a shopper moving down a store aisle.
Anxious shoppers throughout the region pushed and shoved their way through store aisles, sweeping up everything from baby formula to Champagne for tomorrow's midnight toast.
The case has had an enormous impact on Archer Daniels, whose influence extends to almost every grocery store aisle.
It will take more than incremental sales from Internet shoppers and wider store aisles for the company to protect its turf, however.
It might sit in the store aisle for some time before a clerk puts it on the shelf.
The theory is that shoppers will pause in store aisles to check online prices before heading to the checkout.
It used to be a dreary cliché, this idea that our revered days of remembrance have been turned into opportunities to keep store aisles crowded.
Meanwhile, from the sidewalks to the grocery store aisles to the backyard decks, people debate.