Yet, the uses on which most people have focused are its massive storage capability and its role as a research tool.
But it has not storage capability of its own.
This version featured increased battery life due to Persistent storage capability.
"We are putting up buildings where one company can have offices, computer operations, research and design space and storage capabilities."
In the 1990s, and especially with the rise of increased data storage capabilities, videogames began to incorporate video.
The division's storage capabilities have been significantly extended during the year.
This added storage capability, he told reporters in Houston, meant the mission may be able to go its full 10 days.
Stay productive with the combination of popular applications, features and storage capabilities.
Having a larger storage capability let the homeowner buy fuel in bulk, often at a discount during the summer when prices were lower.
Everything is being run through the internet because the speeds and storage capabilities are endless.