The actual nuclear warheads, the guidance systems and the storage bunkers are exempt.
Today, the remains of storage bunkers, administrative buildings, and other remains are scattered throughout the town.
The storage bunkers and specialized containers for the waste take several years to build.
Coal was then sent to the white-painted storage bunkers on the west side of the station.
In late 2008 and early 2009 the remaining buildings were demolished over a four month period (the storage bunkers pictured in this article).
But until then they have it in a nuclear-weapons storage bunker.
"Did you ever hear of a telephone being installed in a nuclear-weapons storage bunker?"
The nuclear warheads in the missiles were supposed to have been removed before taking the missiles from their storage bunker.
The team camped in the old chemical weapons storage bunkers on the southwest corner of the island.
It was somewhat smaller but its surroundings were much the same and it also had a row of storage bunkers.