Julien Donkey-Boy utilizes several cinematographic styles, including stop-motion photography, parallel cuts, and still photographs in order to tell its story.
Despite the practical difficulties of getting sufficient exposure and contrast to illustrate human movement clearly, Marey persevered with stop-motion photography for some 20 years.
Among these was his camera-stroboscope combination that became the basis of the electronic flash essential for ultra-high-speed and stop-motion photography.
JR wanted to check in on the camera that was taking the stop-motion photography, so after lunch we walked to the building across the street where it was positioned.
Ralph realized he could see her face quite clearly now; the day was brightening with the speed of stop-motion photography in an old Disney nature film.
Several cinematographers photographed this film using stop-motion photography with microscopic and telescopic lenses.
Now, Brand leaned forward and touched the board again, and instantly, like flowers unfolding in stop-motion photography, the metal suitsaha, they were suits!
He is one half of the musical duo Little and Ashley with Annie Little, who also appears in the commercials featuring stop-motion photography.
He created the rampaging monster using stop-motion photography.