He stopped updating the TaxBuzz blog at the end of 2011.
Also, which picture do you think we should we leave on the front page when we stop updating the site?
The strip stopped updating in 2008.
Officially the hit rate was only about five or six thousand a week (the figures have actually gone up since I stopped updating it!)
For some reason, as of 2013, Celestia unexpectly stopped updating after v.1.6.1.
This month, after the total had topped 1,100, the Justice Department even stopped updating the tally of those detained.
Are they going to get a special dispensation from Sony, or do they just stop updating the firmware?
National Institute of Infectious Diseases stop updating laboratory confirmed cases.
It stopped updating in June 2011.
As of September 2011, the comic stopped updating, and a strip was posted that simply read "That's all, Folks."