Last fall the Health Ministry ordered hospitals to stop renting expensive equipment to private doctors.
The same year the school stopped renting the building in Rue Amyot; all classes take now place at the Villejuif site.
Since the 1970's, he said, it has investigated 15 other cases, and seven homeowners were ordered to stop renting their apartments.
She stopped renting them four years ago.
The APC ceased meeting in the summer of 2010, when they stopped renting an office space for meetings, and is no longer an active organization.
He stopped renting a wing of the mansion, known as Ienia, for security reasons after the election.
Still, "a house usually stops being available before we want to stop renting it," Ms. Disario said.
She said she stopped renting the apartments 10 years ago and now lives in one of the second-floor units toward the back of the house.
However, this placed them in a vulnerable position if the owner stops renting, since it is difficult to find landlords willing to rent to religious groups.
"It was one of the first places I looked when I decided I needed to stop renting."