Snipers were also positioned in the local roundabout where they were stopping rebel reinforcements and supplies to enter the district.
It was the site of a skirmish during the American Civil War on August 4, 1862, when Union troops attempted to stop Confederate reinforcements in the First Battle of Independence.
Their task was then to stop German reinforcements reaching the front line, by being parachuted behind the lines to assist the French Resistance.
Esfayl and I will be supporting the firecannon to stop reinforcements from being landed on the piers.
Meanwhile, the Gia Lai local force company had to set up ambush positions around the U.S. facility, to stop possible reinforcements.
Like the castle attack, it was intended to pin down enemy troops, to stop reinforcements going to the south-east corner, for it was there, at the three breaches, that Wellington knew he must win his victory.
Additional guerilla units formed ambushes to stop Japanese reinforcements from moving into the area.
The rest of the battalion was ordered to hold their positions and stop reinforcements from crossing the ice.
Additional troops were deployed in the Battle of Northern and Eastern Henan by the North China Area Army to stop Chinese reinforcements from the west.
This operation was very successful because Brigadier Theepan and Karuna Amman attacked south of elephant pass stopping reinforcements coming in.