In contrast to the other forms, late-onset Tay-Sachs disease is usually not fatal as the effects can stop progressing.
Peyronie's disease often occurs in a mild form that stops progressing without treatment after six to 18 months.
Although Coats' disease tends to progress to visual loss, it may stop progressing on its own, either temporarily or permanently.
This symbolism also shows that faith grows over time and is not something that stops progressing.
The subcutaneous injection is the fastest way to stop a rapidly progressing migraine attacks.
Then little by little, he stopped progressing, and after a while, I could no longer get his attention.
In some cases, symptoms may progress and then plateau for years, or stop progressing entirely.
The condition often stops progressing by the time the dog is a year old, and in some cases can recede.
At this point, most people's typing skills stop progressing.
Jazz will never stop progressing.