Some are wistful for the cacophonous gridlock of Wall Street, now off limits to cars, while others wish tourists would stop photographing the scenes of destruction.
In Hine's last couple of years he was so broke that he lost his house, stopped photographing and applied for welfare.
In 1947 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and he stopped photographing soon thereafter.
He returned to painting in the late 1930s, stopped photographing in 1942, and produced abstract expressionist works in the 1940s.
"I just wish people would stop photographing my front door - it disturbs the goats!"
That's something you find: after a certain age, people stop photographing you.
For example, his book, "Self Portrait" was published in 1970, but he hasn't stopped photographing himself, his reflection in windows, or his presence in shadow.
During the brief years Lucas Samaras stopped photographing himself, she modeled for him.
It was time to stop photographing and writing and to start paring back, she said.
After settling in Palestine in the same year, Aleksandrowicz stopped photographing almost completely, except for occasional photographs of close family members.