Ari held her uncomfortable position until he stopped on the level ground at the mouth of the mine.
King Hussein's heart stopped on 7 February 1999 at 11:43am.
He stopped on the concrete strip to grin at the shooter, a guy from Georgia who'd never used a release trigger before.
No sooner had I said this than the siren wound down and apparently stopped on the road at the foot of the mountain.
Campaigning for the 12 June elections stopped on 10 June at 17:00.
The courtyard clock stopped on Monday at exactly 4:31.
Car lights stopped on the main road about 150 yards farther down, at the end of the alley.
Immediate concerns taken care of, Picard looked around the cavern, stopped on the carved stone at the far wall.
Bosch stopped on the dock at the bow of the boat on purpose.
He stopped on the far berm, at the crest of the highway's elevated bed, looking south and slightly west.