It meets Elm Street at a four-way stop intersection, then crosses from a residential area into the central business district.
Its eastern terminus is at a four-way stop intersection with State Route 13 in Corning.
State Route 155 begins at a four-way stop intersection in Shawnee where State Route 93 forms the southern and western legs.
The highway becomes known as Main Street, and passes a few homes before bending to the east, and encountering a four-way stop intersection at Valley Street.
It is located at Woodlawn & Magnolia Avenues, which is a Four-way stop intersection in a residential area.
In much of the United States failed traffic signals must be treated as all-way stop intersections.
In 2010 the four-way stop intersection of LA 1067 and LA 3158 was rebuilt as a roundabout without stop signs.
To the pedestrians who scurried in front of the car at stop lighted intersections, he might have been a paper salesman being driven to work by his nephew.
In the center of the community, it intersects NY 355 at an all-way stop intersection.
For some period of time, there was a flashing light that was then downgraded to a 4-way stop intersection and finally to a through fare.