He said that proposals to pay the players a salary would not stop cheating because those looking for an edge would still pay a little extra under the table.
After imploring Tony to stop cheating on her in the previous episode, Carmela is attracted to a new handyman, Victor Musto.
"It's easier for these guys to spend money to lobby Congress than for them to follow the law and stop cheating the Government," he said.
If we frame the issue as how to stop cheating on the SAT, I don't believe we'll get an effective answer.
Congress and the White House stopped cheating and fibbing, and settled down to cut the budget deficit from $221 billion in 1986 to $150 billion in 1987.
The general public seemed little troubled by it, as it was portrayed as a means to stop cheating on tax and welfare payments.
What the Poll Left Out The commissioner's office commissioned a poll that featured questions tantamount to "when did you stop cheating on your wife?"
Mark makes an offer 'If you give John another six months, I'll stop cheating on Babur.'
What to Do First and foremost, stop cheating on your sleep.
Many extra rules are often added to stop cheating such as no 'goal scrounging' (waiting by the goal to try to get your foot onto someone else's shot).