On a lower-tech front, the White House counsel's office regularly mails out letters asking advertisers to stop borrowing the President's image or voice.
He continued: "Ten years to balance the budget and stop borrowing from our children.
The government should stop borrowing to 'fund' their spending and instead take advantage of the fact they are sovereign in their own currency and can pay for anything available in the market, including all idle labour.
This supposedly "family friendly" plan actually postpones the day when we stop borrowing from our children.
We've seen Russell look hunky in past times so we'll give him a pass this week but really Russell, you should stop borrowing your ex-wife's wardrobe.
And since the historian Douglas Brinkley asked him to stop borrowing the title, "Tour of Duty," from his Kerry biography, it also lacks a name.
He's got to stop borrowing my stuff, if he can't put things back where they belong.
That is, if the hectic pace of home construction were to cool, and consumers were to stop borrowing against their houses, the economy would slow down sharply.
But 20 years ago, as those clients stopped borrowing so much from banks, Morgan recognized that it needed to develop other ways to serve their needs.
Stop borrowing yourself into bankruptcy.