One of the group's priorities is stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear arms and other unconventional weapons.
The major powers may yet be able to unite to stop Iran at this late hour, but not without a decisive change in American policy.
At issue in 2012 was the efficacy of diplomacy and sanctions in stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons.
But murdering 5 or even 50 scientists will not stop Iran acquiring a nuke if it chooses to.
What exactly is stopping Iran from invading the south?
Some American analysts warn that there is only a year or so left to stop Iran from achieving nuclear self-sufficiency.
If the president believes there is no other alternative to stopping Iran from gaining the ability to .
Stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons could eventually require strong, concerted international action.
I'm not terribly optimistic about stopping Iran from making a bomb.
We have to stop Iran from completing its nuclear fuel cycle.