When the dam melted and water drained away, it left the thin, stony soil still found on the common today.
The smallfolk too poor to own either one pulled their own plows through the thin, stony soil.
It occurs amongst low to medium trees in sandy or stony soils.
This is commonly dry open woodlands, forests and mallee country with heavy or stony soils.
Indeed, numerous tracts of stony soil and sand made her assertion easy to believe.
It is very fast-growing, hardy and able to tolerate poor and stony soils.
The black majority ekes out a living in overcrowded tracts of stony soil.
It normally grows in sandy or stony red soils, but a wide range of soil types are inhabited.
Teresa felt sharp-stemmed blades of grass cut her fingers as she clutched the stony soil.
It is used for shallow tillage, normally with a tang share, in dry, stony soils.