It lay across the end of the beach, and beyond it Heris could see a rougher, stony shore where the sea nibbled and sucked hungrily.
Penetrating instrumentation revealed a vast lake of dark methane below, the liquefied gas lapping against a stony shore.
Outside the breeding season, it is found along coasts, particularly on rocky or stony shores.
The two lines hurtled against each other with a rolling clatter of spear, sword and shield that sounded like a huge wave crashing on a stony shore.
They could all hear the sound now, a faint crackling like burning twigs, or waves upon a stony shore.
Soon he could be standing on that narrow fringe of stony sea-thrashed shore, facing a dangerous climb perhaps with a murderer.
Once again, desire for her was in Blaise like a wave, like the hard surge of the black, starlit sea against a stony shore.
Losing his good gun as he grabbed for the rock, The Shadow took the plunge, and crumpled when he struck the stony shore of the creek, just below.
You set out upon the journey that eventually brought you to these stony shores, all with the intent of somehow finding a way to defeat me.
Winds crashed overhead, sounding like waves breaking against a stony shore.