Jones, Watts and Doulton begin life as a stoneware pottery in South London.
The hamlet of La Borne is home to a restored tradition of stoneware pottery, attracting world-renown artists and writers to stay there.
Additional mills were built and shoes, carriages, locomotives, and stoneware pottery were also made in Ballard Vale.
There were solid natural-coloured oak tables, hand thrown stoneware pottery, heather-brown quarry tiles, woven basket lampshades and hand-woven seat covers.
Selborne Pottery, established in 1985, manufactures and sells a range of hand thrown and decorated stoneware pottery using rich copper red and cobalt blue glazes.
Several important industries brought prosperity to the area including stoneware potteries, sewer pipe manufacturing, the match industry and, most recently, the tire and rubber industry.
Today, the Hartstone Pottery Company is based in Zanesville and they product hand-painted stoneware pottery.
He returned to England in 1948 and made stoneware pottery at Wenford Bridge.
Onta Pottery is the name of a type of stoneware pottery made for everyday usage - typically called 'mingei' (folk art or craft) in Japanese.
In order to subsidize his career as an aspiring architect Norstad began making stoneware pottery.