He gestured at the stone square and held up one of the roots Brannel had used as an example.
I stood there hugging myself, my feet on the cool stone squares.
Toward evening, the prepared food for the villagers appeared in the stone square, as it did several times every day.
By now it had grown until it filled all that was visible of the stone square.
The scientist was on his feet, answering questions and pointing with a cane at the stone squares upon which he walked.
He pushed Roa's body off the edge of the stone square, down into the rushes beneath.
She went half-way down to the floor below; a softly lit space perhaps half the area of the stone square outside stretched away around her.
He took something from his pocket and aimed deliberately at the men on the stone square.
Blade paid no further attention to the stone square until afternoon.
Sunlight baked the stone square outside and glared too brightly.