Original tenders were for a stone lighthouse and rubble quarters.
In 1811, a stone lighthouse was built which stood 32 feet above the water, then rebuilt in 1831 to stand 49 feet.
They belly-crawled across the open ground on part of the saddle and huddled in the ruins of the stone lighthouse.
A stone lighthouse was constructed in 1825 on shore at Thomas Point by John Donahoo.
There is a historic stone lighthouse located on Cumberland Head, which is privately owned.
A stone lighthouse and radio station were eventually built in the headland, with the former named after Francesco Crispi.
It was first established in 1817 as a small stone lighthouse.
The island has a five-story stone lighthouse built in 1863 and a Finnish Meteorological Institute weather station.
And at the island's farthest extremity is perched a small stone lighthouse.
In 1824, a conical stone lighthouse was built on the island by order of Congress and President James Monroe.