Joshua dropped his stone flakes, and soon forgot them.
It was just a patch of dune where stone flakes were scattered, in a rough triangle that showed where Abel had sat.
Some of the stone flakes appeared to be unfinished discards.
Ayla didn't know what other kinds of tools she might need, and she decided to leave the last two stone flakes as blanks for later.
There are 132 retouched tools, which are modified versions of stone flakes.
In one knotted hand, the doll held a stone flake that looked almost like a sword.
Native American artifacts include arrowheads, stone flakes and pottery fragments.
The stone flake rapped against the leather sword belt that was buckled round Dodd's new white coat.
All of the Dreamers used stone flakes to cut the hair that dangled from their heads, or to scrape their faces.
The distinctive burins were a special type of stone flake with a chisel-like edge.