He portrays his village as a magical matriarchy run by stolid but generous women, from fleshy market vendors and pensive guitar players to winged angels.
Marsten's replacement was Zegl, an equally stolid woman, and she was the duty supervisor I dropped in on.
Mrs. Abernathy was a stolid woman who had not been at all disturbed when they appeared on her doorstep after dark.
He considered walking down to the steading to wake one of the quiet, stolid women who knew as much of birthing as he had ever done.
On the other hand, she finds it hard to imagine a romance between this stolid, unsmiling woman and Rochester, even one that might have happened many years ago.
At his side was an unhappy, stolid woman in her forties, holding the hand of Po-Yee.
Ranged behind her are her women's corps: stolid young women in dark, shapeless uniforms.
Rowena was gaug- ing her, wondering if she could trust this stolid gray woman.
A stolid woman with a round, red face moved out of the shadows and into the uncertain light of the torch.
The stolid woman was not touched by what was happening.