The fighting had been restored by now, and his stocky shape looked oddly alone as it dwindled down the metal length of hall.
His stockier shape gave him away as Earth Born.
Tench have a stocky, carp-like shape, olive-green skin, darker above and almost golden below.
Now he could see the stocky shape, kneeling near the man, doing something in the shadows that Ryan couldn't see. "
Then he turned to Jupiter, which was natural because Jupiter's shape, stocky, but compact, attracted the eye.
Thus, an old specimen can be pruned back to a stockier shape with thick trunk.
Here was a row of stocky, flat-backed shapes, with curving tusks before them.
The buck was a familiar stocky shape, with immense, heavy shoulders and a grizzled head.
Lang mattered: He was stability, normalcy, all embodied in one stocky blond shape.
The name bull shark comes from the shark's stocky shape, broad, flat snout, and aggressive, unpredictable behavior.