The older man came another careful pace on stocky legs.
But the determined stomps of Bruenor's stocky legs were already carrying him down the road back out from the city.
They are a heavily built cat, with stocky, long legs, a relatively short tail, and large paws.
About noon he got hungry, so his stocky legs carried him to a nearby store.
Shorter than Carver - five foot seven - he was heavily built with wide shoulders and stocky legs.
A pair of stocky legs in trousers that strained over the thighs came towards her.
Suddenly, an animal burst through the screen of thick growth, its large powerful body supported by short stocky legs.
He stood with his head lowered and his stocky legs slightly apart.
On stocky legs, Rabban marched across the arena floor to the two men.
She raised her brown stocky legs over his massive back.