Last November, the company was hit with a $120 billion lawsuit from New York State's public pension fund, among other stockholder suits.
Another provision dismisses all of what are known as stockholder derivative suits.
All three executives later returned 22 percent of the shares to settle a stockholder suit.
In fact, a stockholder suit has been filed against Salomon on that issue.
Although the stockholder suits were not successful, the reputation of First National Fire Insurance was severely damaged.
Separate Suit Mr. Sculley was named in a separate suit yesterday, when he was added as a defendant in a pending stockholder suit against Spectrum.
The takeover was not without its problems, there were a number of stockholder suits, and eventually, further difficulties.
The S.E.C. inquiry and the stockholder suits have concerned Cannon's accounting practices.
The stockholder suit alleged that RCA was worth "considerably more" than the $66.50 offered.
Ensuing media coverage prompted a federal investigation and a stockholder suit against the company and Bet Tzedek successfully settled the underlying case.