Even some of the stock villains in their dramas must be reconsidered.
Luther Bedlow (also played by George, but credited as "himself") - the stock villain of the show.
The "greedy family" became a stock villain on daytime talk shows.
The Commandant is enough of a stock villain to be big and strong, towering over these helpless boys.
Sitting through this film with its stock villains is like watching the most expensively mounted high school play of all time.
Has a new generation of psychos come of age, and perhaps a new stock villain for books and movies?
Martin Donovan does far better, bringing fresh energy and realism to her brutish husband, Tom, so often seen as a stock villain.
If the doctor had been incorrect in his appraisal of the worthless Townsend, he would only be a stock villain.
Partisans have been trying to turn members of the opposition into stock villains for years.
And it offers a stock villain: the evil white man who turns her on to junk.