But the stock has shown a strong gain since May, when it traded for $13 to $14 a share.
So, as stocks have shown some new life this spring, can you put your trust back in the market?
In the meantime, the company's stock has not shown any signs of recovering.
Most other technical and computer stocks showed small moves either way.
Until the President spoke, stocks showed no tendency to move up or down.
Neither the company nor its battered stock showed much reaction.
Its stock has shown weakness over the past year, closing on Friday at just $5.25 a share.
Early in 2007 the stock showed a sharp decline to levels beneath €13 because of financing issues.
And their stocks have shown big gains in the past year as investors took the companies' results at face value.
The stock showed heavy trading over the last week, closing at 42 7/8, up 3 1/4.