The service, known as Prodigy, will offer customers news, stock quotations and the ability to order merchandise electronically.
The free basic news service will offer headlines, sports scores, weather and selected delayed stock quotations.
There was nothing on the tape except printed stock quotations, that were now hopelessly out of date.
Readers were most interested in stock quotations, sports and comics.
There is even a proposal for a voice-only stock quotations, which would sound across a driver's business day.
A computer spits out stock quotations at a rate of 240 words a minute.
For instance, Fidelity customers can now use their cell phones and voice recognition technology to hear stock quotations.
The Infobeam service provides access to news, sports, weather, stock quotations and other useful information.
There are "900" numbers that provide everything from stock quotations and sports scores to titillating sexual messages.
On the back of the advertisement was a partial list of stock quotations.