Its main stock listing will be in Toronto.
Gustav made a mental note to check today's stock listings to determine whether now would be the most profitable time, and then changed the subject.
China said over the weekend that the last of four big state-owned banks would be financially restructured to prepare it for a public stock listing.
Under the plan, both companies will maintain their stock listings but have identical boards.
Odder yet, certain companies' stock listings aren't available, at least at the moment.
Upon completion of the public offering, the company may find a market maker to file an application for a trading symbol and stock listing.
A man puffing a king-size stogie was lost in the stock listings of his newspaper.
The association made bold promises to the Amex, saying it would invest in technology and help attract new stock listings.
These products have been gaining in popularity, even as Amex has had trouble retaining the stock listings of successful corporations and attracting new ones.
When he called the number again, the stock listings stayed the same, but the advertisement was for another major airline.