State Government Fisheries departments support Murray cod populations by stocking with hatchery bred fish, especially in man made lakes.
West Virginia began stocking fish in state waterways in the 1880s and has been operating its own fish hatcheries since 1930.
-The guidelines for stocking fish vary by location, with different countries and states having their own rules about which fish can be stocked where by whom.
Beware of stocking new fish into such an environment - high nitrates may well kill them.
State officials have long been stocking fish in the very northern part of the river, but Mr. Caverly said he hoped the stretch could be lengthened.
Though my local shop which would never stock such fish deliberately, had on accidental import hiding among some Red Eye Tetras last week.
Why discontinue stocking diploid fish into landlocked lakes?
Two men were arrested in June 1985 and pleaded guilty to illegally stocking fish.
Heavy metals and acid from the mine are suspected to have killed stocked fish in downstream reservoirs on the Alamosa River in 1990.
But if the fish are killed, Mr. Behonick said, it will have a major effect on stocking fish at the hatchery.