An idea stirred vaguely in the back of his mind.
The old man frowned, stirred vaguely, let his tongue flicker briefly over his lips.
He knew it had telepathic powers that were stirring vaguely, and that it could not only read minds, but project thoughts.
Van Wall was stirring vaguely on the floor, moaning, his hand half-consciously rubbing at his jaw.
And vaguely within me stirred a memory of a long-lost relic described by forgotten monks in dim manuscripts.
Dr. Copper stirred vaguely in his bunk, rubbed his eyes with fumbling hand.
But in his soul something stirred vaguely, as if mutinous currents fretted there.
Something stirred vaguely in his mind as he asked, " Moved?
Then, as he stirred vaguely, something hit him again, and he passed into blank unconsciousness.
At her side, the aged praetor stirred vaguely.