Her nipples puckered, as if in anticipation of his touch, and the longing he'd left unquenched last night stirred anew.
He frowned and tugged on his nose as a familiar mental itch stirred anew.
She stared at the peak as at a human enemy, feeling all her anger and hatred stir in her bosom anew.
My passion began to stir anew.
He was very young then. . . . But something of the same stirred anew today.
And the killings stirred anew the frustration and anger of many Palestinians.
Boyd bent over the odious bucket and stirred anew.
Bremen felt the cold stir anew in his chest, a snake coiling as it prepared to strike.
More than a decade passed before China's intellectuals dared stir anew.
Desire stirred anew, but he ignored it and rose to stand behind her.