New Forms of Business He tried various experiments to stimulate productivity at home.
It is claimed that, by making labour costs flexible, such a system would reduce the rate of unemployment and stimulate productivity.
Active labor market programs include a wide range of activities to stimulate employment and productivity such as:
Initially, they increased spending in the public sector to stimulate employment and productivity.
He arranged for substantial investments to stimulate productivity, the labor market, and consumption.
Broadband investment and services not only stimulate economic productivity, but also help create jobs.
To stimulate productivity, the former Governor advocated tax incentives for businesses that include employees in profit-sharing plans.
Eventually, a merger will pay off as low-wage workers in the East stimulate productivity, and demand for goods.
To stimulate productivity, the government also undertook a major expansion of the nation's irrigation system.
To stimulate productivity, in 1981 the government offered various incentives to cultivators of irrigated land who were almost entirely government tenants.