Early Chamber members formulated two objectives: stimulate migration and to market the area's products in other parts of the country.
S1P at this physiological concentration stimulates migration and invasion of epithelial ovarian cancer cells but inhibits migration of normal ovarian surface epithelial cells.
The data obtained in KKB bear out very clearly that there is no question of KKB having stimulated rural urban migration.
They contend that most of the Salvadorans and many of the Nicaraguans are economic immigrants, not political refugees, and they assert that passage of such legislation would stimulate more illegal migration from Central America.
Chemokines are cytokines that stimulate directional migration of inflammatory cells in vitro and in vivo.
HA is also known to support angiogenesis because its degradation products stimulate endothelial cell proliferation and migration.
That weather stimulates migration.
We also need to introduce an equivalent of the USA's Green Card, which would stimulate circular migration.
Their arrival in Northern cities en masse, in addition to being followed by race riots in several large cities such as Detroit, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, further stimulated white suburban migration.
These antibodies possibly stimulate migration of neutrophils into the affected joints and skin.