Within learning communities, students are able to interact with peers who share similar interests and stimulate conversation about the topic.
Each unit in Streetwise is presented as an issue of a teenage magazine, introduced by a cover designed to stimulate speculation about the issue's contents.
But the new study is likely to stimulate debate about the role of aspirin in preventing a first heart attack.
The reports stimulated wide discussion about the role of women in combat.
As the 1970s closed, these early networks enjoyed sufficient success to stimulate debate about the next steps in the context of the microcomputer's development.
The aim is to stimulate a global conversation about democracy.
Its purpose is to stimulate debate and research about Scotland.
Quick Facts are intended to stimulate curiosity about the Quest topic.
This is a link between home and school and might stimulate talk about numbers, size and relationships.
The aroma stimulated a welter of memories about Jonathan.