After developing such hard scales, Muzankose turned into a more squarish character, using very stilted speech.
Sparhawk could not be certain if the Baron's stilted speech was a characteristic of the country, a personal idiosyncracy, or a nervous reaction to the rank of his visitors.
He looked up at her, and she saw in his eyes that despite his formal stilted speech he truly meant it.
Looking into the Sikh's eyes, Daniel discounted the man's stilted clownish speech.
She was proven correct when Gruntel informed them in his stilted speech that this Tunnel led to an Alliance world.
Kurtzman's stilted speech was the clincher.
Noted choreographer Rosalyn de Winter was hired to create the distinctive movements and stilted speech of the Menoptra.
With its stilted speeches and its colossal appetite for paper (some 400 million sheets a session), the General Assembly may not always be taken seriously.
Of the two, Tommy One was the strangest, she thought, if only because of his stilted, echolike speech.
Before the Games, Sophie was shy and self-conscious about her stilted speech and unsteady walk.