In the end, Ayer took a more traditional route - and the advertising press criticized the new campaign for, among other things, the stilted dialogue.
Unfortunately, they are undermined by characters who never quite come alive and stilted dialogue that often rings false.
The strange intensity of the play, with its consciously stilted dialogue and acting, may not be to everyone's taste.
Even the tribunal setting, though, doesn't improve the drama's cardboard figures and stilted dialogue.
His queen, Isabel, after some stilted dialogue, sets out across country to raise a militia.
But Steele recounted they ran into trouble when the translator would try to improve some of his intentionally stilted dialogue.
But the writing is balky, with somewhat stilted dialogue and Big Words that seem to come out of nowhere.
But, alas, Porter prefers to tell his story through voluminous and often stilted dialogue.
The book, mired in stilted dialogue and crude caricatures, has a bad smell.
The film noir is absorbing despite stilted dialogue and flat direction.