An example of Hustler humor is a cartoon of a doctor in a maternity ward holding up a stillborn girl and making a crude sexual reference.
In 1512, Catherine gave birth to a stillborn boy, and then a stillborn girl in 1513.
This pregnancy also ended with a stillborn girl.
According to some sources, she gave birth prematurely to a stillborn girl in March.
Onassis will lie next to JFK and the gravesites of two of their children, a girl stillborn and a boy who died shortly after birth.
In 1949, his mother, Kim Jong-suk died while giving birth to a stillborn girl.
Louise soon became pregnant, disappointingly giving birth to a stillborn girl on 1 October 1794.
After the child died of hypoxia, labor was induced and Feng delivered a stillborn girl on June 4.
He took the tiny bones of the stillborn girl from where they had been buried in the ice.
His first wife had been barren; the second died in childbed with a stillborn girl.