Keikano gave a soft burst of Japanese and the old man turned, stiffly erect, to the workbench.
Her face was pale and she held her small body stiffly erect.
There she stood, stiffly erect, looking over the shoulder of the seated console operator at every reading.
He drew his heels together, clicked, bowed and marched out of the room, holding himself stiffly erect.
Tenaida sat opposite the captain, stiffly erect in his chair.
Adele remained stiffly erect, ignoring the hand Daniel's sister offered her.
The lad drew himself stiffly erect in front of Tarzan.
He was not tall, just my height, and carried himself stiffly erect.
This time raising his head, the eyes open and the ears stiffly erect, Michael looked at her.
Stiffly erect, he left his ship and a few minutes later stood out on the landing field.