The kitchen was in spotless order, and she sat down on a stiff-backed chair by the window to wait for her brother.
I spent the next hour perched in that stiff-backed chair from hell, reading old issues of City Girl.
The mother, half blind with bewilderment and worry, sat in a stiff-backed chair on the edge of the porch.
Against the far wall of the office two men sat, uncomfortably, in stiff-backed chairs.
He gestured to a half-dozen stiff-backed wooden chairs lined up against one wall of the office.
And she all but collapsed into a stiff-backed chair in the waiting area.
A single chair, stiff-backed and old, stood in the center.
A small boxing ring stood in the centre of the floor, surrounded by a few dozen stiff-backed chairs.
He sat her on a stiff-backed chair in the corner, and her eyes filled with tears.
She perched on a corner of the heavy, stiff-backed chair at her father's right hand.