If they happened to get out, you heard their shoes scraping, their step stiff, always stiff, and loud.
"Metatarsal pads or stiff shoes inhibit the toes' range of motion and can make you lose toe strength," Dr. Novella said.
This man was not a professional shadow - those stiff shoes must be chafing.
And toddlers were struggling to break in stiff new shoes, the same as always.
Inherently ill-fitting or stiffer shoes, such as high heels and dress shoes, present a larger risk of blistering.
His small stiff shoes balanced awkwardly on cobbles.
They also no longer have to wear the stiff, high-gloss shoes that were part of the ceremonial uniform on details where they have to stand for a prolonged stretch.
Elphaba had pressed the palms of her hands over the high uppers of her stiff black secondhand shoes, and kept her eyes trained on the floor.
We also never wear stiff shiny shoes or anything velvet.
A stiff shoe is harder on the foot.